This special edition includes a B3 size poster with artwork by Tadanori Yokoo
This is the collaboration between artist Tadanori Yokoo and GUCCI, the first of the "TOKION" art project. It includes two posters of artworks by Tadanori Yokoo.
Special feature "OBSERVE"
The meaning of “OBSERVE” in this special feature refers to objectively viewing the state of things and changes to them with great attention and care. In French this also carries the connotation of correctly ascertaining a subject through one’s wisdom. Intently observing certain tangibles and intangibles offers us the impetus to reconsider our views of the everyday phenomena that we take for granted and to consider new realizations (discoveries). This also has the purpose of leading the reader to a desire to newly take action through structures that furnish them with a blank canvas.
The specs involve six booklets and three tabloids that have been enclosed within original boxes
This is not the ordinary way in which magazines are bound. The reason that these special features have such volume is because it is clear that each of these artists "Observe," no matter what order they are read in. The participating contributors include the French artist Pierre Soulages, the artist Tadanori Yokoo, the three-piece band Kukangendai, the comedian Korokke, and an artist collective with eight people in it, each of which compiled together their "Observations."
>> Click here to check out more details of the special feature "OBSERVE"
>> Click here to check out the SHOHEI OTOMO × GUCCI limited edition(B3 size poster attached)